COVID-19: Singapore From the Front
Dr. Matthias Maiwald,
Adjunct Associate Professor at the Department of Microbiology & Senior
Consultant in Microbiology, National University of Singapore, tells the
story of COVID-19 and Singapore. In this presentation he stresses the
importance of preparation with both planning and stockpiling of
protective gear. Almost three N-95 masks were stockpiled for each
Citizen of Singapore. Advanced case tracking using cell phones is
described along with the importance of paying attention to all segments
of society as the virus does not discriminate and can easily spread from
one public sector to another. Finally, the importance of maintaining the
skills and staffing for Laboratory Developed Tests which can be rapidly
brought on line for a fast response. Health Watch USA & the
Massachusetts Nursing Association 2020 COVID-19 Conference. July 15,
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This presentation is for guidance only, always consult your healthcare
provider and the CDC Website for information before making decisions
relating to the coronavirus.