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Association between hospital-onset respiratory viral infections and masking and testing policies at ten US hospitals
Theodore Pak, MD - Dec. 18, 2024


Association between hospital-onset respiratory viral infections and masking and testing policies at ten US hospitals
Dr. Theodore Pak, MD, PhD, Harvard Medical School presented on "Association between hospital-onset respiratory viral infections and masking and testing policies at ten US hospitals" during the Dec. 18, 2024, Health Watch USAsm Meeting. During his presentation Dr. Pak stressed that hospital acquired respiratory infections are common and most transmission is by pre or asymptomatic individuals. There is a 20% to 40% risk of a patient acquiring COVID-19 after exposure to an infected roommate. Universal testing and masking are of very low cost especially when compared to hospital-onset Omicron infections which have a crude mortality rate of 3.2% to 13% of patients in Germany, Singapore and the United Kingdom. The cessation of testing in the United Kingdom was associated with an increase in hospital onset COVID-19 infections. A study of 10 hospitals in Massachusetts found that with the cessation of universal masking and COVID-19 testing, hospital onset of respiratory viruses (SARS-CoV-2, flu, RSV) had a 25% increase. Hospital onset cases then fell by 33% with the reinstitution of mandatory staff masking. YouTube Video: https://youtu.be/oTucFHkZELo 

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