Health Watch USA Logo COVID 19: Tracing the History of Ineffective Infectious Disease Policy
Sept. 29, 2020


Dr. Kevin Kavanagh from Health Watch USAsm updates his previous lecture which traces the history of the United States' response to the COVID-19 epidemic. A historical perspective is given, covering President George Bush's 2005 proposal of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act to the disastrous second peak of the first wave with continued shortages of medical supplies and the changing federal advisements on asymptomatic spread, viral aerosolization and use of masks. Treatments are reviewed along with overstatements of efficacy. Finally, vaccines are discussed along with the review process and distribution barriers. Kentucky Association for Healthcare Quality. Sept. 29, 2020.  Download Slides

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The Video Above is a Health Watch USAsm Video. 
Health Watch USA is a non-profit 501-C3 Organization based in Kentucky